
Fresh Look To Landing Page

Written by Handicaddie | Jul 6, 2023 3:34:00 PM

Over the past month, our team has dedicated considerable effort to optimising our landing page, aiming to transform it into a powerful communication hub and a seamless gateway for accessing our product. We recognize the significance of this page in fostering a strong connection with our users and showcasing the true value of our offering. To achieve this, we sought advice and insights from the TinySeed community, which includes experienced mentors and like-minded individuals who have faced similar challenges.

Through the valuable feedback sessions provided by TinySeed, we gained invaluable insights into our previous website. From this we have been able to identify key areas that we could optimise to encourage more traffic to our site and ultimately to gain more warm leads.

Here’s what we have changed:

Improved Written Content

One of the key issues we identified was the lack of a deep connection with our users and an understanding of their needs. As a result, users were not spending enough time on our page and were not engaging with the existing content effectively. We asked a copywriting mentor from the community  to check out our website and give us advice. Because of this, more people have been visiting our site, and we’re also showing up better on search engine, and gaining more organic traffic that had lead to potential customers

Demo Page

Another significant friction point we discovered was the requirement for potential customers to book a call with us to explore how our product works. We realised that this approach hindered the user experience and also ended up being a barrier for a potential sale. We’ve made a special page that explains how Handicaddie can assist golf clubs. Our aim is to give people a clear reason to reach out to us, as our main focus is to provide useful help. To add credibility, we’ve included a video where a customer shares their experience. This lets potential customers see the advantages of using our system in real situations.

Improved visuals

Determined to make the entire experience unique and aligned with our brand, we embarked on reimagining how we communicate information to our audience and how we present it visually. Our goal was to create a landing page that not only captures our users’ attention but also to connect with them on a personal level. By thoroughly understanding their pain points and aspirations, we aimed to demonstrate how our product addresses their specific needs and delivers unparalleled value.


We wanted to stay true to our brand identity, ensuring that our landing page reflects the uniqueness of our company. We employed a distinctive visual style that sets us apart from competitors, creating a memorable and immersive experience for our visitors. Our brand is characterised by approachability, innovation, and a commitment to simplicity, which we aim to reflect through our website and services alike.

Restructuring Layout

Our main aim for the website is to tell our story and show users why Handicaddie is the solution for golf club needs. We’ve changed the way things are organised on the site with this goal in mind. Before, important information about our service and product was hard to find, so we’ve moved it up on the website where users can see it right away.

Explainer Video

We decided to find a fresh and engaging approach to describe our company and product. Before, we relied on images and text to demonstrate how our service functions. However, we recognized that this approach had become quite common and lacked innovation. Therefore, we aimed to come up with a more creative and imaginative way to convey our service’s functionality. As a result, we brainstormed and created an animated video that presents our service in a concise and captivating manner. This video has exceeded our expectations, aligning perfectly with our brand’s identity and message. Even better, this content is also incredibly straightforward to share with potential customers, ensuring a clear and easy understanding of our core offerings and values. We have already received positive feedback from this and we will continue to use it going forward.

Time Slider

We wanted to highlight how using Handicaddie can save both golf clubs and their staff a lot of time on tedious tasks. To make this clear, we created a slider that compares the time spent on scheduling caddies the old way versus the time saved by using our service. It’s a visual way to show how efficient our solution is.

We’re just getting started! We have even more exciting ideas in the pipeline that we can’t wait to share with you. We are all innovating and trying new things to captivate new visitors to our website. What do you think of the changes? We would love to hear your thoughts.