Caddie App

We Hit 1000 Users!

1000+  at top clubs around now using Handicaddie to get their next job! Designed by Irish caddies, for caddies around the world to enjoy.

Hey fellow caddies, are you feeling like your job is taking over your life? Are you tired of waiting around for your next gig? Well, we’ve got some great news for you – Handicaddie is the app that’s changing the game for caddies all over the world.

One of the coolest things about Handicaddie is that it lets you set your own schedule. Just a few taps on your phone and you can let the golf clubs know when you’re available, and then accept the jobs that fit best with your lifestyle. This means you can focus on the things that matter to you, whether it’s hanging out with your family and friends, or pursuing your other interests.

And that’s not all – Handicaddie also makes it super easy to accept jobs. With just one tap, you can accept a job and get all the details you need to be ready for the round. No more waiting around for phone calls or emails – Handicaddie puts you in control of your schedule.

.At Handicaddie, we’re all about empowering caddies to take control of their careers. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro, our app can help you find new opportunities, build your reputation, and take your career to the next level.

Ready to get started? Download the Handicaddie” Caddie Companion” app available on IOS and Android. We’ll need to get your club involved too, reach out if you know who we should speak to!

Already a user and know a caddie programme that could use this? Get in touch about our referrals programme with some great rewards for caddies, shoot me a message at

Happy looping!

Graham Curry

Founder of Handicaddie

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